OLD met new as the BBC Antiques Roadshow filmed an episode at the historic Royal William Yard in Plymouth, while Devon & Cornwall Police offered the latest SelectaDNA products to visitors to safeguard family heirlooms.
As members of the public queued up with their prized possessions to see the team of valuation experts including Eric Knowles (pictured far right), Devon & Cornwall Police were on hand to demonstrate forensic marking product SelectaDNA which can be used to protect antiques from theft.
A BBC local radio reporter also interviewed one of the officers about the effectiveness of SelectaDNA, which has been proven to reduce burglary rates by up to 83%.
For further information and images contact: Jessica Farrugia, Senior Marketing Manager for Selectamark.
Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jessica.farrugia@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna
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