DNA Spray Protects Swedish Pawnbroker From Robbers | SelectaDNA

DNA Spray Protects Swedish Pawnbroker From Robbers

A PAWNBROKER in Sweden has had a revolutionary security device installed that uses a forensic DNA spray to link burglars to the scene of their crime.

Developed by UK security company Selectamark Security Systems plc, the SelectaDNA Spray is designed to deter commercial burglaries and smash-and-grab raids.

With around 80 pawn shops in Sweden, the pawnbroking industry is looking at new ways to protect valuable stock and is particularly interested in using the unique DNA Spray, mainly for its effective deterrent value but with the added bonus of using the DNA as evidence for arresting criminals.

The system has been fitted initially at Westling & Persson Pantbank in Stockholm city centre, following a spike in robberies in the capital targeting late night convenience stores, jewellery shops and pawnbrokers.

Consisting of multiple spray heads that can be fitted above windows and doors of premises, the system is triggered as a burglar enters the property and emits a burst of SelectaDNA solution onto the offender. The solution contains a UV tracer and a unique DNA code, linking intruders irrefutably to the crime scene.

Police routinely scan for traces of SelectaDNA, and if found, it can help them to obtain a conviction.

Traces of the DNA solution can be taken from the skin, hair and clothing of offenders, and sent away for forensic analysis to prove that the offender has broken into a particular premises. Although invisible (unless viewed under UV light) and harmless, the DNA will remain on an offender for weeks - clinging to fibres and sitting in creases of the skin.

The DNA Spray can be linked to a panic button or connected to an existing intruder alarm system.

Andrew Knights, Managing Director of Selectamark, said: “If the worst happens and a robber does enter the premises by force, they will be sprayed with the DNA which links them instantly to the crime scene. However, it is extremely likely that they would flee with no gain as soon as they are sprayed, as the DNA fear-factor among criminals is high.”

SelectaDNA Spray has already been successfully deployed in the UK, Europe, Australia and New Zealand to protect retail outlets, banks, jewellers, warehouses, petrol stations and other premises to protect valuable stock and assets.

For further information and images contact: Jessica Farrugia, Senior Marketing Manager for Selectamark.

Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jessica.farrugia@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna

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