Lancashire Police: Commit Crime And We'll Catch You | SelectaDNA

Lancashire Police: Commit Crime And We'll Catch You

A CRIME prevention scheme which involves setting DNA traps to catch burglars is being offered to over 600 residents in Nelson, Lancashire.

Over the next few weeks, neighbourhood police officers will be offering SelectaDNA property marking kits to people living in the Southfield area of the town.

When police recover stolen property, the unique SelectaDNA markings can help them to return the items to the rightful owner, and also help police achieve better success rates in convictions against burglars.

Inspector Phil Davies said: “Marking property should act as a great deterrent to would be burglars whilst ensuring that if a crime is committed we have a much better chance of catching the offender and returning the property to its owner.

“There will be a number of signs on display in the area informing anyone entering Southfield about the scheme. Each property will have permanent signs on windows and on vulnerable items warning thieves off.

“This is just one measure aimed at protecting residents from thieves. We will continue to do all we can to deter and identify offenders and I urge anyone who sees anything suspicious to contact the police.”

Inspector Davies concluded: “The message is clear: commit crime in Nelson and we’ll catch you.”

For further information and images contact: Jessica Farrugia, Senior Marketing Manager for Selectamark.

Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jessica.farrugia@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna

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