North Yorks Police Tackle Moped Offenders with Spray Tactic | SelectaDNA

North Yorks Police Tackle Moped Offenders with Spray Tactic

North Yorkshire Police is the latest force to use SelectaDNA tagging spray to target those who ride mopeds and off-road motorcycles in an illegal or anti-social manner.

Officers will use the DNA spray to safely tag offenders who often have their faces covered while making off from the police. The spray marks the bikes, clothing and skin of riders and passengers with a uniquely-coded but invisible DNA that provides forensic evidence to link them to a specific crime. The spray shows up blue under special UV lights and it can still be detected after washing.

Already successfully deployed by 17 other police forces across the UK including The Metropolitan Police, West Midlands Police, Cheshire Constabulary, Merseyside Police, Surrey Police, West Yorkshire Police and Police Scotland, the introduction of SelectaDNA tagging spray technology was a major factor in the moped-enabled crime reduction figures recently announced by the Metropolitan Police (down 44% across London); and Police Scotland (down 60% in Edinburgh).

Offenders are now realising that the police finally have a method of proving without doubt they were at the scene of the crimes they commit. There have been numerous arrests and several convictions across the UK resulting from the use of the spray.

PC Tom Ibbetson, who is leading the DNA spray initiative at North Yorkshire Police with support from the force’s Roads Policing Group, said: “As we have seen in other parts of the country, the use of SelectaDNA tagging spray is a very effective and safe police tactic in evidentially linking people on mopeds and off-road motorcycles to criminality and anti-social behaviour.

“The beauty of the DNA tagging spray is that suspects and bikes can be identified many weeks after being tagged, meaning they will have to be constantly looking over their shoulder because the police will catch up with them sooner or later.

“Importantly, it sends out a clear message to both offenders and concerned residents that North Yorkshire Police will not tolerate this type of behaviour. We will go to great lengths to bring offenders to justice and end the misery they are causing in many of our communities.”


For further information and images contact: Jessica Farrugia, Senior Marketing Manager for Selectamark.

Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jessica.farrugia@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna

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