Surrey Police Deploys DNA Spray Against Scooter Crime | SelectaDNA

Surrey Police Deploys DNA Spray Against Scooter Crime

A proactive operation using DNA spray to identify scooter and vehicle crime offenders has led to five arrests and 40 stop checks in north Surrey.

The day, which was part of a multi-force crackdown on cross border crime last week (Thursday, 19 October), called Operation Coeus, is a linked approach to disrupt, arrest and deter cross border offenders.

The day of action took place across Runnymede, Elmbridge and Spelthorne to crack down on transient offenders: Spelthorne borough specifically piloted use of the DNA spray in a bid to tackle crimes involving vehicles.

SelectaDNA works by spraying the suspect with an invisible solution of unique synthetic DNA code and UV marker that clings to skin and clothing for months and can’t be removed. 

The spray helps police identify individuals in connection with crimes where officers are unable to arrest of pursue them. Under a UV light the SelectaDNA will show up, allowing officers to connect an individual with a specific crime.  

The day of action resulted in 17 persons and 23 vehicles checked. Inside one of the vehicles stopped, 125 grams of cocaine and a small amount of cannabis was seized and the driver was arrested. A further four arrests were made on the day all related to vehicle crime.

One vehicle was seized in connection with a burglary following intelligence that led to a fast-time warrant being executed. Officers also issued one cannabis warning and one driver was given words of advice at the road side.

Inspector Alan Sproston from the Spelthorne Safer Neighbourhood Team said: “The joint operation allowed our forces to specifically target transient offenders who use vehicles to carry out crimes. I hope the actions from the day send a clear message to people using scooters to commit crimes – they will be marked and consequently identified from the DNA UV spray. The joint working allows us to build on intelligence and work together to make our region a safer place.”


For further information and images contact: Jodie Fisher, Marketing Executive for Selectamark.

Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jodie.fisher@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna

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