Top Tips For Safer Festive Shopping | SelectaDNA

Top Tips For Safer Festive Shopping

Opportunist thieves could be trying to get their hands on the expensive Christmas presents you have invested so heavily in and even target you while you are out shopping.

Criminals will often take advantage of crowded streets or shopping centres filled with people looking for festive bargains. This can result in opportunist thefts, bag snatching and pick-pocketing. Shoppers need to be vigilant so as not to let a thief steal Christmas.

Tips from SelectaDNA for safer shopping:

  • Never leave your bag open or unattended, such as on the back of a shopping trolley or pushchair

  • Always make sure your bag is securely shut. If your bag has a strap, wear it across your body with any flaps facing inwards

  • Make sure any valuables such as mobile phones, iPads or electronic tablets are forensically marked

  • Never put your bag on the floor to look at something on shop shelves

  • If you do not have a bag, hold your purse or wallet close to your body or carry it in an inside pocket

  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Pay with a card instead. Always shield your PIN number when entering it at a cash machine.

  • Only keep items in your bag that are needed

  • Keep your cash and credit cards separately

  • If you return to your car with your purchases whilst you are continuing shopping, lock away your bags safely in the boot.

  • Think about the item you are buying someone. Are there any security products you could purchase to help them keep the item safe/secure? If buying a bike think about also giving a decent 'D' lock and registering the bike to BikeRegister, the national cycle database (www.bikeregister.com).

  • If buying electronic items such as laptops, tablets and smartphones, you could consider giving your loved ones peace of mind by gifting them with a forensic property marking kit such as SelectaDNA (www.selectadna.co.uk/dna-asset-marking). This will give their property free lifetime registration and if the worst happens and marked items are stolen from their home, they can be traced back to them and returned by police.


For further information and images contact: Jessica Farrugia, Senior Marketing Manager for Selectamark.

Phone: +44(0)1689 487829
Email: jessica.farrugia@selectamark.co.uk
Twitter: @selectadna

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